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Our Programs.
Northwood Elementary would not be the same without the many programs and volunteer opportunities brought to you by the PTA
Northwood Elementary would not be the same without the many programs and volunteer opportunities brought to you by the PTA
All Pro Dads
All Pro Dads is a special program, started by NFL Coach Tony Dungy, just for Dads (or a male family member). “Dads” are invited to have breakfast once a month with their child(ren) before school, and discuss a wide range of family topics, have fun, and build a more meaningful relationship. One Committee Chair is needed to coordinate prizes and coffee for each monthly meeting.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Northwood Elementary holds one BINGO Night per school year in the Spring. Besides BINGO, there is also a great raffle and silent auction with prizes for the whole family to enjoy (e.g., entertainment tickets, tennis lessons, jewelry, dinner at local restaurants, and MUCH MORE). Every child that plays is a winner. Mix and mingle with other Northwood families for some great family fun while supporting the PTA and our wonderful school. The committee relies on many parent volunteers for this event to sell bingo cards, check families in at the door, work the food line, sell popcorn and candy, call Bingo numbers, and help clean up after the event. Typically, two people co-chair this committee.
For a small donation, you will receive 2 slices of pizza, drink, and a game card. We will also be selling popcorn and candy. Please don’t forget your checkbooks and/or credit card as we will once again have a Silent Auction with incredible items up for bid! THIS EVENT WILL SELL OUT!!
Reservations are processed on a first come, first serve basis.
Questions? email [email protected]
For a small donation, you will receive 2 slices of pizza, drink, and a game card. We will also be selling popcorn and candy. Please don’t forget your checkbooks and/or credit card as we will once again have a Silent Auction with incredible items up for bid! THIS EVENT WILL SELL OUT!!
Reservations are processed on a first come, first serve basis.
Questions? email [email protected]
Business Partner Liason
Northwood PTA obtains various donations from local businesses to benefit Northwood Elementary and offset PTA activity expenses. Committee Chairs from various areas work to obtain contributions/donations for activities such as Bingo, Music and Movie Nights, Explorer Celebration (Family Fun) Night, Hand-on- Atlanta Day, and various other activities throughout the school year. Contributions and ideas for donations are welcome from anyone.
Questions? email [email protected]
Caring & Sharing
The Caring and Sharing Committee manages Northwood’s commitment to outside charities as well as the needs within the Northwood family. One or two people Chair this committee and they manage most activities on their own. Key events traditionally include a canned food drive and December toy drive. At the end of these activities, the Chairs rely on volunteers to help
collect/transport collected items to outside charities.
Questions? email [email protected]
collect/transport collected items to outside charities.
Questions? email [email protected]
Dining for Dollars
Each month the Northwood PTA sponsors fundraisers at local restaurants. The Chair of this committee is responsible for scheduling and advertising these fundraisers each month—typically distributing flyers as well as serving as the primary liaison with the business Northwood partners with for this fundraiser.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
See My School Anywhere.
Questions? email [email protected].
Questions? email [email protected].
Earning for Education
Clipping Box Tops is an easy way to help Northwood earn cash. Last school year we earned $957.00! The first submission date is coming up, and the deadline to turn in your Box Tops will be October 22, 2018. Clip and trim Box Tops & put them in a snack size bag. Write your child’s name, grade, and teacher on the bag. Have your student give them to their teacher. There will be another submission in the spring, so please continue to clip and send them in. Students with Box Top will be entered in a raffle and could win a raffle prize that could include, but not limited to, free Aurora miniature golf, ice cream and more! Contact Nicole Elstad, email [email protected] with any questions. For a helpful how-to, please download this form.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Electronic Sign
The first thing you see when you drive up to our campus is our Electronic Sign! This committee, typically run by one person, is responsible for updating the Northwood electronic sign by the front entrance to school.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Enrichment Fund
Our only fundraiser throughout the year is a check writing campaign in the Fall. This committee would typically be chaired by 2 people. They are responsible for all activities associated with this campaign, including advertisement, collection, sprit week, etc.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Family Fun Night
You've worked hard all week getting your kids into crazy shirts, socks, and hairdos, counting candy, donating change and larger amounts (through Tonight is the night to relax with your old and new Northwood friends at our Super Hero-themed Family Fun Night! This committee hosts a variety of activities for the Northwood PTA including the Explorer Celebration, a FREE Fall event for Northwood students and their families, featuring a an outdoor movie, inflatable slides, face painting and more. This committee also organizes other off-site events such as SkyZone Spirit Day, Bruster’s Scoop Day, Georgia PTA Braves Day and Falcons’ Day! At least two chairs are needed to mange this committee.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Field Day
Super Heros at Northwood have a day to test their mental and physical strength during Northwood's Field Day (brought to you by the PTA) in May. Grades 3 through 5 are in the morning. Kindergarten-2nd grade is in the afternoon. PE teachers lead this effort, but PTA volunteers staff Field Days. The chair of this activity works with the PE teachers to organize the event. At least 40 parent volunteers are needed each day to run the activities.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Hearing & Vision Screening
On September 19th, Northwood 1st, 3rd and 5th graders will have their hearing and vision screenings. This event is coordinated and staffed by volunteers from the PTA who will be on the scene to help the process
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Hospitality/New Parent Social
Hospitality is a wonderful way to get involved for cooks or anyone who likes to send in food (homemade or not)! Parents bring in casseroles and other baked/store bought goods, fruit, and other items needed for a breakfast for our Northwood staff, as well as for selected students recognized (ex: for student patrols, honor students, etc.) Time commitment is 1 hour approximately 5 times a year. Our teacher & staff appreciation breakfasts will be on October 11, December 7th and treats for the teachers on February 14, 1019.
Questions? email [email protected]
The New Parent Social Committee is a brand new committee this year dedicated to making our new families feel welcomed! If you know of a new family or are new to our community, please reach out to [email protected] and we will be sure to invite you to our new parent social events throughout the year. Stay tuned for Parents Night Out at Senor Patron! We will have a 1st grade, a 2nd & 3rd grade parents night and a 4th & 5th grade parent social in the fall of 2018.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
The New Parent Social Committee is a brand new committee this year dedicated to making our new families feel welcomed! If you know of a new family or are new to our community, please reach out to [email protected] and we will be sure to invite you to our new parent social events throughout the year. Stay tuned for Parents Night Out at Senor Patron! We will have a 1st grade, a 2nd & 3rd grade parents night and a 4th & 5th grade parent social in the fall of 2018.
Questions? email [email protected]
Landscape Improvements
The newly manicured front of our school was brought to you by the PTA!
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Media Center Support
Northwood’s Media Center - Northwood’s Media Center is staffed by a Media Specialist and Para-Professional, but it operates much more smoothly with the help of a dedicated cadre of volunteers. The Media Center Chair is charged with organizing these volunteers who check out books, restock shelves, help students visiting the Media Center, etc. The Chair hosts a introductory coffee at the beginning of the school year, and volunteers sign up for specific time periods of service so Media Center staff know when help will be available.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Membership/My School Anywhere
Members have privledges! Thanks to our new website and database portal, myschoolanywhere, Northwood parents can access contact information for all of their child's friends. This database is available online or on the myschoolanywhere app (password needed) and is offered to Explorer and above PTA membership levels.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Movie Night
Northwood PTA hosts Kindergarteners through 3rd graders for a fun social event in the school year. Admission includes a slice of pizza and a drink; additional concessions are available for sale as well. Two people usually co-Chair this committee and handle movie selection, flyer distribution, and pre-registration. During Movie Night, about 20 volunteers are needed as check-in
workers, concessions workers, hall monitors, pizza/drink servers, dismissal workers and clean up worker.
Questions? email [email protected]
workers, concessions workers, hall monitors, pizza/drink servers, dismissal workers and clean up worker.
Questions? email [email protected]
Music Night
Music Night- Northwood PTA hosts Music Night once or twice per year. The event is for 4th and 5th graders only and is held on a Friday evening for about three hours. Admission includes a slice of pizza and a drink; additional concessions are available for sale as well. One person usually chairs this committee. Prior to the event, a disc jockey is contracted (and music selections must be approved), and the Chair manages flyer distribution and pre-registration. During Music Night, about 20 volunteers are needed.
Volunteer opportunities include: check-in workers, concessions workers, hall monitors, pizza/drink servers, and workers to help with checkout and clean up.
Questions? email [email protected]
Volunteer opportunities include: check-in workers, concessions workers, hall monitors, pizza/drink servers, and workers to help with checkout and clean up.
Questions? email [email protected]
Portraits (Tanner Photo)
Showcase your family's best looks during a Tanner Portrait session. This is a fundraiser for the PTA, and all of the proceeds are donated back to the school You can purchase a Tanner photo session on myschoolanywhere. Family Portrait Day is held in the fall, this year the weekend of October 19th. The Chair coordinates flyer distribution and scheduling, and serves as a liaison between the PTA and the photography company.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
PTA Website
We have a whole new look this year! Our website design at is intended to be a source of information for parents, and also easy to use and to read. You can access our database portal from our website, where you are able to order memberships, spirit wear and tickets to all of the fun activities the PTA has planned for the year. Check back here often, as the content will be updated and you might even find a picture or two of someone in your family!
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Reading Counts
As you all know, Northwood is passionate about reading! This school year we are using Reading Counts (formerly called Accelerated Reader) for the software program to celebrate student reading accomplishments through prizes and earning levels. This is a PTA program and available for 2nd-5th grade students. The way it works is you read a book, take a quiz (at home quiz taking available now!!), and earn points that lead to levels that are tied to prizes! Your student even has the opportunity to earn a personalized plaque and his/her name on a plaque for all to see for years to come displayed in the school. Also, this year we will have many more prizes. For raffle for the program as well! Please don’t miss out on a great learning tool and a chance to shine! Your student’s teacher should have the information to log on and your student will be off to exploring his/her reading greatness! Anytime is a great time to read, read, read! Any question feel free to email Jill Hardison at [email protected].
(A) Scholastic Reading Counts! is an independent reading program which combines reading practice and software-based reading assessment. Instructionally flexible, mastery focused, and professionally written, SRC! is the program PROVEN to develop reading skills, help raise test scores, and motivate students to achieve reading success.
(A) • MOTIVATES students with suggested reading choices that match their interests and reading levels.
• EMPOWERS educators with reports and actionable date at the student, school and district level.
• REINFORCES comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency skills.
Surrounding students with a wide variety of leveled literature and nonfiction texts in the classroom, in the school library, and at home is a great start to creating lifelong readers. With Scholastic Reading Counts! your students have a Lexile®-based independent reading program that tracks their success on the books they read, in and out of school. This technology-based program creates a personalized and engaging learning environment that ensures independent reading accountability.
Questions? email [email protected]
(A) Scholastic Reading Counts! is an independent reading program which combines reading practice and software-based reading assessment. Instructionally flexible, mastery focused, and professionally written, SRC! is the program PROVEN to develop reading skills, help raise test scores, and motivate students to achieve reading success.
(A) • MOTIVATES students with suggested reading choices that match their interests and reading levels.
• EMPOWERS educators with reports and actionable date at the student, school and district level.
• REINFORCES comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency skills.
Surrounding students with a wide variety of leveled literature and nonfiction texts in the classroom, in the school library, and at home is a great start to creating lifelong readers. With Scholastic Reading Counts! your students have a Lexile®-based independent reading program that tracks their success on the books they read, in and out of school. This technology-based program creates a personalized and engaging learning environment that ensures independent reading accountability.
Questions? email [email protected]
Each year, Northwood student have an opportunity to take part in Reflections. Reflections is a program that encourages lifelong learning in artistic endeavors and is designed to enhance quality arts education for students in preschool through grade 12. Attached you will find the following documentation to help you understand if you would like your child to be involved and the steps to take to get started. This years these is " Heroes Around Me." Entries can be submitted to the front office on October 16, 2018, but no later than Friday, October 20, 2017 . The Awards Celebration Date will be announced soon. All participants will be recognized for their efforts. Questions can be directed to Cassondra T. Perry at [email protected] or [email protected]. Please visit the Northwood PTA Reflections site for participant details and forms. Forms can also be obtained at the front desk. The categories are the following:
- Dance Choreography
- Film Production
- Literature
- Music Composition
- Photography
- Visual Arts
- Special Artists
Room Parents
PTA Room parents are assigned to each classroom to help teachers with different activities and class parties. Room parents will rely throughout the year on the participation, donations and contributions of parents for class parties. They are the liaison between PTA, parents and teachers.
The chairperson in charge of room parents will assign volunteers to each classroom and will host an orientation meeting for the Room parents. The "Room Parent Handbook" will be distributed and discussed in said meeting. The chairperson will email RPs during the school year with volunteer needs for certain events and with other PTA notifications. Room parents have duties throughout the year as directed by their classroom teachers.
Questions? email [email protected]
The chairperson in charge of room parents will assign volunteers to each classroom and will host an orientation meeting for the Room parents. The "Room Parent Handbook" will be distributed and discussed in said meeting. The chairperson will email RPs during the school year with volunteer needs for certain events and with other PTA notifications. Room parents have duties throughout the year as directed by their classroom teachers.
Questions? email [email protected]
School Supply Ordering
The 2018-2019 school year is the first time the PTA has offered the convenient sale of school supply kits! Ordering for next year will be available in the spring. The supply kits will be shipped directly to the school at no cost to the parent and delivered to your student's classroom. Save yourself the hassle of school supply shopping in the summer and check this off your "To Do List" early. This chairperson is a liason between our school supply vendor and the school to put together kits that are teacher approved.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Sneak Peek
Your very first impression of Northwood is made at Sneak Peek. This is where you pick up your school supplies, meet your teacher, meet your PTA, buy Spirit Wear and become a member. This chair is responsible for the coordination and planning of our Sneak Peek in August. This includes working with school administration on layout of tables, working with the chair for Spirit Wear, etc.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Social Media
Keep up with your Northwood Family. Like our Facebook Page, check out our Tweets! And read the email and text blasts sent to your inbox. Our Social Media chairperson works to keep everyone in the loop. This person is responsible for updating all of our social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, eBlasts) with relevant communication regarding school and PTA events.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Spirit Wear
Spirit Wear is sold throughout the fall semester at Northwood. The Spirit Wear “product line” traditionally includes t-shirts, magnets, and other items. The committee Chair typically works the summer before the school year begins to select the design for that year’s Spirit Wear line. Then, the Chair is responsible for pricing, stocking inventory, ordering, and sales. Most of this function is handled by the Chair, but during Sneak Preview, Curriculum Nights, and other key school events where Spirit Wear is sold, the Chair relies on volunteers to help work at the sales table.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
STEM Day is a day-long event where the entire student body participates in science experiments and activities. Lots of volunteers are needed before the event to shop for supplies, put together experiments for classes, and then help teachers with activities throughout the day.
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
Staff Appreciation
Staff Recognition complements the Room Parent Committee in that it works to recognize the contributions that non room-based teachers (including administration and staff) make to Northwood. This committee sends cards to non room-based teachers on their birthdays and recognizes them on Teacher Appreciation Day—times that Room Parents recognize room-based teachers. The
Chair organizes the efforts of this committee whose work is to write and deliver cards and otherwise bring cheer to this vital component of the Northwood family.
Questions? email [email protected]
Chair organizes the efforts of this committee whose work is to write and deliver cards and otherwise bring cheer to this vital component of the Northwood family.
Questions? email [email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator
This Chair compiles information from our Volunteer Interest Form, and distributes the contact information to the appropriate committee chairs. They are also responsible for updating the volunteer database and email list. Signups throughout the year will be made available on the myschoolanywhere app where you can easily manage all of the volunteer opportunities at the school!
Questions? email [email protected]
Questions? email [email protected]
It's the year of the SUPER HERO!
Northwood Elementary has a hardback yearbook that is delivered in the spring of each year. This year our theme is "Super Heros" and we will try to incorporate this theme into our PTA activities! The committee chair leads the effort to put this book together, but they rely on the work of volunteers to take pictures of students and students’ families at Northwood events throughout the school year.
Questions? email [email protected]
Northwood Elementary has a hardback yearbook that is delivered in the spring of each year. This year our theme is "Super Heros" and we will try to incorporate this theme into our PTA activities! The committee chair leads the effort to put this book together, but they rely on the work of volunteers to take pictures of students and students’ families at Northwood events throughout the school year.
Questions? email [email protected]
New Parent Social Committee
Moms Night Out!
August 2018